
Whiplash Care Excellence at Weiss Chiropractic PC

If you have been involved in a car accident recently, then you need to make sure that you seek medical care. When it comes to car accident treatment, such as whiplash, many people go to the emergency room first. On the other hand, the emergency room is only going to get someone stable. In order for someone to complete the recovery process, it is critical to follow up with a trained chiropractor. Particularly for those who have been diagnosed with a whiplash injury, it is critical to developing a comprehensive treatment plan to prevent long-term complications.

An Introduction to Whiplash Injury

When someone is involved in a motor vehicle accident, rapid changes in momentum can cause the neck to snap rapidly from side to side. As a result, this causes a shock to the ligaments, tendons, and muscles in the neck. Even though this injury commonly takes place in a car accident, particularly when someone has been rear-ended, this injury can also take place following traumatic injuries, sports accidents, and a variety of other situations. Whiplash can be referred to as a neck sprain or a neck strain; however, it is commonly referred to as a cervical ligament sprain. This is a serious neck injury that can lead to complications if it is not treated appropriately. 

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Whiplash Injury?
Pain and stiffness located in the neck
Chronic fatigue from trouble falling or staying asleep at night
Feeling of dizziness, especially when standing up too quickly
A feeling of numbness or tingling in the arms
A markedly reduced range of motion in the neck
Headaches starting at the skull's base and spreading
A Tenderness in the arms, upper back, and shoulders

Some people who suffer a whiplash injury may only develop one or two of the symptoms above. Other people might experience all of them. Regardless, whiplash is an injury that must be taken seriously.

Why Can Whiplash be Serious?

Even though most people who suffer whiplash will make a full recovery, whiplash is serious because it can take a long time to recover fully. Furthermore, individuals who do not seek appropriate medical care can develop more severe headaches, more severe dizziness, and could have trouble carrying out their daily activities. In some situations, people who suffer whiplash might have trouble returning to work quickly. This could make it hard for people to make ends meet, making it difficult to put food on the table. Finally, individuals who suffer a whiplash injury might also develop mental health conditions as a result of the stress created by the injury. Therefore, it is critical to approach whiplash in a comprehensive manner.

Whiplash Treatment in Ogallala, NE

When it comes to whiplash treatment in Ogallala, many people believe they need to take prescription medication. Fortunately, this is not always the case. A trained chiropractor can provide an alternative treatment option to whiplash. Using chiropractic care, it is possible to correct the alignment issues in the neck and back that take place following whiplash. When the vertebrae in the back are properly aligned, the tendons, muscles, and nerves in the neck and back calm down. In this manner, a trained chiropractor can help someone expedite the recovery process following whiplash. Furthermore, because the root cause of whiplash is addressed, people not only get better but stay better as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Putting the patient first is always our top priority. We strive to help you live a better, healthier life.

Chiropractic care is generally considered safe when performed by a licensed and experienced chiropractor. At Vosti Chiropractic and Acupuncture, our team of chiropractors has undergone extensive training and adheres to the highest standards of safety and professionalism.

Chiropractic adjustments are typically painless. You may experience mild soreness or discomfort after the initial adjustments, which is a normal response as your body adapts to the changes. Our chiropractors use gentle techniques to ensure your comfort throughout the treatment process.

The duration of a chiropractic treatment session varies depending on the complexity of your condition and the treatment techniques involved. Generally, sessions can range from 15 minutes to 1 hour. Your chiropractor will discuss the estimated duration with you during your consultation.

The number of chiropractic sessions needed will vary depending on the nature and severity of your condition. Our chiropractors will assess your progress during each visit and adjust the treatment plan accordingly. Some patients experience significant improvement after just a few sessions, while others may require more ongoing care.

In most cases, a referral is not necessary to see a chiropractor. Chiropractors are primary healthcare providers and can evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients independently. However, certain insurance providers may require a referral for coverage purposes. It’s best to check with your insurance provider or contact our office for more information.

Chiropractor for Whiplash Treatment in Ogallala?

If you are looking for whiplash treatment and Ogallala, then look no further than Weiss Chiropractic PC. At Weiss Chiropractic PC and Regenerative Wellness, we provide a wide range of treatment options. In addition to standard car accident treatment and injury recovery services, we also provide treatment of sports injuries, chronic pain relief, and comprehensive chiropractic care. Give us a call today at (308) 882-8020 to make an appointment with our team!
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday